James Jean and the story of how I woke up inspired.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted something here, or since I’ve written something longer than 140 characters for that matter, but that’s a whole other story that might have started some time around 2010 (this post). But today I woke up inspired and with the sudden urge to bring myself to the spotlight thanks to some extraordinary events that have had happen lately.

Let’s start first with my whereabouts from when I left off in this blog. After mywedding post I took a little bit more of a year to adjust and find my place in this new place and new and so unexpected life. I started building a routine, making a plan on the go, changing careers and keep on learning. I now want to become a Web designer or a UX/UI expert, I’m still very fond of art, art history and illustration, but let’s say I still can do that on a side. Design is the future. So I decided to take design classes, on it has been awesome ever since. Last may I had the opportunity to join the ranks of the AIGA’s volunteers in SF, so I’ve been attending and helping out at some of their events. Last night was the best one, in my opinion, even though it was small, according to the coordinators it was more intense than they usually do; for me it was just more fun, very interesting and way more awesome. We had a chance to hear master class aboutScriptology from Michael Stinson (TypeEd). I learn a lot, I help some of the attendees with illustrator skills. I felt useful and alive, I love to learn and share. So we wrapped up and after the critique and some wine we headed home.

Here’s how I came to find great artist James Jean the protagonist of this post: 22:30 hours, I was driving down the famous 101 when this humungous food truck suddenly appeared on the right side of my car, it was hard to ignored, it had this amazing communist propaganda design like featuring a panda bear, the company name is The Chairman and make chinese food. I repeated that name a thousand times so I could remember and google it the minute I got home. And so I did, I typed on the search bar “panda communist design food truck bay area” and reading into their site I learned that the guy behind the concept idea, design and art is James Jean.

He’s a Taiwanese American visual artist, designer and illustrator known for his fine art gallery work as well as his commercial one. He has a huge resumé and he has even done covers for DC comics. His work is beyond fantastic and this is his website, it’s worth a minute if you’re into very fine lines and intricate drawings like this one.

James Jean | Coral | 2014

James Jean | Coral | 2014


I declare this blog reborned, celebrating its reinauguration. I’ll try to retake the habit and update once or twice a week. Gosh, I missed blogging, and I missed you, my invisible readers.